Monday, February 2, 2009

FAQ with open and questions. as well

FAQ link
if anyone has answers or additional questions please use comments link immediately below this post, thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Burch Craig said...


    File Number: E-041-08-09

    Case Type: Special Permit

    Applicant: Stephen Thompson, Bergmann Associates

    Address: 1100 S. Goodman Street

    Zoning District: Institutional Planned Development (IPD)-Colgate Rochester Divinity

    Sector #: 6

    Section of Code: 115-69C (1975 Zoning Code)

    Purpose: To establish overnight patient/family accommodations in the Trevor-Eaton Dormitory for American Cancer Society and expand the existing parking facilities; actions requiring Planning Commission approval.

    SEQR: Type I

    Lead Agency: Director of Zoning
    February 1, 2009 2:49 PM
    Burch Craig said...

    I copied and pasted the agenda entry from the City Planning commision website. As I read it this is an application for a special permit to use the property for non conforming use.It is stated as an informational meeting but not sure what that means. Current zoning for this property is R1 according to City records. This is a major change for this area and I think the community should be provide much more information before it is decided to use this property in this way. The parking lot as outlined is a misuse of the property for many of the reason already outlined in today gathering. I also think that more information needs to given in regards to how many people are going to be using this facility. If it adds 40-50 people that is a much different scenario than if it adds 200 people. Given it is to provide 30 or more rooms how many beds is that? How much support staff? How many Cancer Society staff? How much additional truck traffic to support the Society and the "accommodations" If it is a 24 hr facility how will that impact the surrounding area, lighting noise etc? Is the Divinity School going to redo the lighting of the existing parking lots to reduce light pollution. I am assuming that more information than we have now is available at City Hall to answer these questions. If not then before the City allows a special use permit these questions need to be answered.
    February 1, 2009 3:07 PM
